Inès de Chefdebien

Inès de Chefdebien is an illustrator and has been working for the past 10 years in the most traditional way we can imagine for this trade.

She is drawing by hand and her old school/classic style is very well in today’s trends. Some would say her work is fresh and jolly, a mix between elegance and irony.

 After an educational background from the «Beaux Arts» of Rennes in France, she has worked alongside the designer and artist Jean-Charles de Castelbajac and was then part of the creative team of the famous Parisian department store «Le bon Marché». She has been a free-lance artist since 2014.

 She is now drawing for textile design, wallpapers, shop windows decor, spirit bottle packaging, decorative drawings for various brands, book illustrations, private commissions for brands like Galeries Lafayette, BHV Marais, Le Bon Marche – Rive Gauche, Boutique Coeur Grenadine, JC De Castelbajac, Clelia Tavernier. Everything hand drawn.


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